
51 States, 341 Counties

Time Frame:


Total Homicides


National Homicide Trends


New Haven's Community-based organization for violence prevention.

Four Major Components of CTVIP's Work:

Identify Highest Risk

Identify individuals at highest risk for violence.

Outreach & Mentoring

Outreach workers maintain contact with individuals.

Community Happenings

Outreach workers keep in contact with community and stay updated on social happenings.

Data Collection

Collect data on outreach worker contact, conflict prevention, and more to optimize efforts.

More About CT VIP & this data-viz

CTVIP is a community-based program aimed at reducing youth violence in the greater New Haven area. CTVIP outreach workers with social rapport and respect in New Haven maintain contact with individuals in the community, and stay informed about various social groups. Data 2 the People is working with CTVIP to use data to track and improve their efforts. Looking at trends nationally, at the state level, and other counties outside New Haven and Connecticut is important in testing effectiveness of the program. This is a dataviz exploration of violence trends indicated by homicide rates at various scopes. You can explore homicides trends at the national level, the state level, and county level. You can even search for your own county to see its trends over 2010-2019!

Data Overview

CDC Wonder Data 2010-2019

CDC Wonder Data is available here. The dataset used is the CDC Multiple Causes of Death queried from the Wonder Data System. The pulled data covers all deaths, but was filtered specifically for homicide intent from 2010 to 2019. The states and national data exclude any states with fewer than 10 deaths in a certain year. Similarly, the county data excludes any counties with fewer than 10 deaths in a year.

National Level Homicide Trends

America 2019

Homicides Per 100,000 Population

Homicides Per 100,000 Population by Year

2010    2011    2012     2013     2014     2015     2016     2017     2018    2019

Total Homicides by Year

2010    2011    2012     2013     2014     2015     2016     2017     2018    2019

State Trends

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County Trends

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